Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hidan is the second newest member of Akatsuki group who considers killing his religious calling.

 He is a devoted follower of a cult called Jashin, which worshiped an evil deity. Hidan has an utter faith in this religion, which promotes morbid annihilation of mankind. Anything less is considered a shame to their Evil God and therefore a sin. He is considered immortal because of the kinjutsu used to him by Jashin. Hidan wears a beaded necklace with a pendant of their cult's emblem and uses it when praying to his god for good slaughter.

His morals is as corrupt as his religion. Hidan is very disrespectful and very much comfortable in uttering profanities and vulgarities. He is arrogant and overconfident because of his immortality. He even fights without a concrete plan or strategy.

His ability is performing a voodoo-like ritual in which his body acts as the doll. Even in his state of immortality, Hidan can still feel pain and relish it particularly when he is sharing the pain with his opponent. His favored weapon is a three bladed scythe that he mastered to use in close and long ranged bat


Hidan is the second newest member of Akatsuki group who considers killing his religious calling.

 He is a devoted follower of a cult called Jashin, which worshiped an evil deity. Hidan has an utter faith in this religion, which promotes morbid annihilation of mankind. Anything less is considered a shame to their Evil God and therefore a sin. He is considered immortal because of the kinjutsu used to him by Jashin. Hidan wears a beaded necklace with a pendant of their cult's emblem and uses it when praying to his god for good slaughter.

His morals is as corrupt as his religion. Hidan is very disrespectful and very much comfortable in uttering profanities and vulgarities. He is arrogant and overconfident because of his immortality. He even fights without a concrete plan or strategy.

His ability is performing a voodoo-like ritual in which his body acts as the doll. Even in his state of immortality, Hidan can still feel pain and relish it particularly when he is sharing the pain with his opponent. His favored weapon is a three bladed scythe that he mastered to use in close and long ranged bat


A rose among thorns. Konan is the only female member of the high caliber criminal group, Akatsuki.

 Konan is one of the shinobi taught by the Sannin Jiraiya. She has great talent on making origami and wears a paper rose in her hair. Like Deidara's clay, Konan's origami once infused with her chakra becomes her weapon. She can also create paper clones and shuriken, which she can control at, will.

She is protective of Pain and actually not in good terms with Madara Uchiha for questioning Pain's abilities. She is so in tune with Pain that she's able to detect his emotions even without looking at him.

She has grace under pressure that it's almost stoic. She is very loyal to Pain and would do all his bidding.


 Companionship has never been a problem to Zetsu. Tough luck, he can't be alone, too. He stands out in Akatsuki group. Well, honestly, who wouldn't when your head is enclosed in a venus fly trap-like extensions. Moreover, his body is divided in two different colours, white side and black side with two different personalities.

 Zetsu holds a significant role in Akatsuki. Aside from being a spy, he is also assigned to gather the ring of the deceased Akatsuki members. True to his venus fly trap appearance, Zetsu is cannibal. Thus he is tasked to eat those that have connection to Akatsuki, to make sure that any secret of Akatsuki wouldn't spill.

Most Akatsuki members prefers reporting to him than going directly to their leader, Pain. His split personality sometimes can be a bit ridiculous particularly when talking. But having two personality comes handy particularly when you can perform jutsu and be a lookout at the same time. Amazing, right?

Zetsu's talent isn't limited to multi-tasking, though. He also has the ability to merge in ground and travel to another location almost instantly. He's a human recorder as he can record events for later viewing of Madara Uchiha.


 Pain was once a young man named Nagato. During his youth in the war torn Rain Country, Nagato lived with his family. When two Leaf ninja came into their home looking for food, things spun out of control and his parents were killed. Newly orphaned, he met fellow orphans Konan and Yahiko. Nagato was a quiet child who admired Yahiko's desire to improve their living conditions and bring some justice to the world, even if it meant becoming its god. The trio met the Sannin following the war with Hidden Rain. Jiraiya took a liking to the children and stayed behind to look after them. He was surprised to learn that the emotional and quiet Nagato was a wielder of the Rinnegan, the venerated Doujutsu once possessed by Rikudou Sennin, the man regarded as the original modern shinobi. Nagato and Yahiko were accosted by a vagrant Rock Ninja, and Yahiko moved to defend them. He was injured and Nagato went into a berserk rage, quickly killing the ninja. Nagato was shocked when he finally regained control and Jiraiya promised to train the orphans.

Nagato had trouble dealing with the way he reacted to the Rock ninja and Jiraiya explained that he shouldn't feel ashamed, as he was defending his friend. And that knowing what it feels like to be hurt is the reason why humans are kind to others. Nagato wondered how he could become like that and Jiraiya explained it just came with age. Nagato then promised to keep his friends safe, no matter what pain he had to experience. Jiraiya was inspired by the young man, and based his new book character on Nagato's never give up attitude. Three years passed and the trio were soon skilled enough to defeat one of Jiraiya's Kage Bunshin. Jiraiya explained that his time with them had ended and that hard times would still be ahead for them. But by working together they could change things, as they had finally grown up. He left his finished book for the group, which Nagato found and read. Over the following years the trio formed a group of like minded individuals under Yahiko's leadership. To that end, they hoped to broker a peace between the warring countries.

     Responding to a summons from Sanshouuo no Hanzou, the leader of Hidden Rain, the group was ambushed by Hanzou and ANBU Root under Danzou. Taking Konan hostage, Hanzou demanded Nagato kill Yahiko. Unable to stab his friend with the kunai in his hand, Yahiko forced his comrade to do it, ending his life. Yahiko told Nagato and Konan to stay alive and offered that Nagato could change the world. That event acted as the second pain trauma in Nagato's life after his parent's death, causing the young man to believe that his answer to the world's problems was worthless. Hanzou then ordered his men to kill Nagato. He avoided their attacks and managed to free Konan at the cost of damaging his legs. Filled with rage he called forth a gigantic blinded statue which extended black chakra rods into Nagato's back. As Nagato begame to become emaciated, spectral dragons emerged which flew throught he surrounding ninja to steal their souls. Hanzou fled, leaving Nagato a withered shadow of his former self. Nagato ended his ties to Hidden Rain and took on the name of "Pain". Konan would also join him.

As Pain, Nagato began to gather other disenfranchised Rain shinobi and start a civil war with Hidden Rain. No longer believing that the cycle of hatred could stop, he sought more drastic means to end it through violence. Seeking some revenge for Yahiko's death, he fought Hanzou once again and killed him in battle. He did not stop with merely Hanzou though, for he killed Hanzou's family, friends and associates; essentially taking down Hidden Rain all by himself. And though Pain had followers, they never saw him personally. His abilities, appearance and heartless nature thus fueled rumors about his identity. This also caused his followers to revere him as a god. In this position he operated out of the tallest tower in the Rain Country industrial city. It was from this tower he maintained a room which hid his greatest secret. Through the development of his Rinnegan, he gained the ability to control all Six Paths. Using the black chakra rods still implanted in his back from the time he first fought Hanzou, he discovered how to manipulate the bodies of corpses.

      Some years later Pain became part of the Akatsuki organization. Konan joined as well, and was one of the few living persons aware of Pain's past. Over the years she had seen him fight many battles and believed that he had never once lost in battle. She and his followers were also aware of his ability to control the rain around them. This he apparently did on schedule, so when rain fell on other days, his followers knew something was on his mind. Pain could also use this water to detect the chakra of opponents and feel their presence.

     As leader of Akatsuki, Pain was adamant that the group could fulfill their desires if they possessed the bijuu. He used many skills to help further the goals of the group. One jutsu was a Shouten technique, which allowed the group members to take over the sacrificed body of another in exchange for some measure of their chakra. He also was responsible for summoning the huge King of Hell statue which held the bijuu withdrawn from Jinchuuriki.

     Pain told the group their ultimate goal was to control the world, which could be accomplished through three steps: Step One is for the group to attain money. Step Two is to create the first mercenary group. Shinobi villages make money for their country, and for the money to be steady it requires war. Because there have not been any large scale wars in awhile, the ninja villages were being reduced in size. The Five Great Shinobi Villages could handle the downtrend, but the smaller villages could not. Akatsuki would form their own fighting force with no country allegiance. This force could undercut all the other villages and fight their battles for cheap. Then using the bijuu they could create new wars and gain a monopoly over the whole market. In the end they would control all the wars and be powerful enough to even collapse the shinobi villages of the large countries, forcing them to rely on Akatsuki as well. With all that in hand, the group can achieve Step Three, to control the world.

      This stated goal may actually be a smokescreen, however, as Pain was seen reporting to new Akatsuki recruit Tobi in secret. Tobi directed Pain to capture Naruto personally in his role as leader, which apparently drew out an emotional response from Pain in the form of rain. It was then revealed that Tobi was in fact the long thought dead Uchiha Madara, a legendary shinobi like Rikudou Sennin. While Pain was making preparations to capture Naruto, he was alerted to the arrival of his former sensei Jiraiya in Hidden Rain. Pain went into his secret hideout, which housed the bodies of five other cloaked figures. As one Pain moved to rest, another rose from his slumber. This hidden ability of Rinnegan to share multiple bodies with one consciousness would prove decisive in his upcoming battle. Leaving behind the body he used in the series up to this point, Pain selected a body skilled in summoning.

     As he appeared before Jiraiya, his former teacher learned that the young boy he once knew as Nagato was now the completely different looking ninja before him. Pain explained how the past mattered little, but that Yahiko was now dead and that the pain of all the people who died there helped him grow as a person. It was this very pain that allowed him to grown from a mere person into a god. And as a god, he would put an end to wars through the creation of the ultimate Kinjutsu. A jutsu fueled by the power of the Bijuu, one strong enough to wipe one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries off the map. This jutsu would be offered to anyone, and through mutually assured destruction and the pain that follows such slaughter, mankind would be afraid to cause war again in the future and peace could finally be achieved.

      The battle continued and what followed was a barrage of summoned animal attacks, with Jiraiya summoning a toad to help him battle the various beasts Pain called to his aid. Pain eventually summoned a giant chameleon which he used to blend into the surroundings and disappear. Jiraiya responded by calling upon two elder Toad Sennin to assist. It was then revealed that Pain could possibly be the "destined" child, a student of Jiraiya's prophesized to bring peace or ultimate destruction to the world. The Sennin managed to take out the Chameleon and force Pain to show himself once again.

     Standing before the Sennin, Pain moved to summon yet again. This time two other Rinnegan users were called to his side. For the first time another deadly power of the Rinnegan was revealed, Pain's ability to operate multiple bodies at once and share the sensory information between them. These two new bodies each had their own specialties and skills. The battle began and one of the Pains moved to use Taijutsu against Jiraiya; which he countered with a kick to the face, blinding the attacker. Another body used an absorption technique to dissipate any incoming chakra or elemental attack. Seeing his foe have the upper hand, Jiraiya fled to nearby pipes.

     Pain gave chase but fell into a well placed Genjutsu trap by Jiraiya and the toads. Unable to use his Rinnegan to counter, Jiraiya captured the three men and immobilized them. Jiraiya offered that he was sad Nagato had led his life astray. He then finished them off by impaling them into the ground. While thinking over his victory Jiraiya was suddenly blasted away through the nearby city. Three more Rinnegan users had arrived, one of which removed the impaling swords from his fallen comrades. This individual apparently revived the slain bodies and soon six Rinnegan users stood before the severely injured Jiraiya. Among the group was Pain's initial body, which Jiraiya quickly recognized was an adult Yahiko. Jiraiya tried to grasp why the man Nagato claimed was dead was among the group before him. Pain acknowledged Yahiko's death, but said the man before him was Pain, they all were. Together they were Pain Rikudou, and as such, were a god.

     The six men forced Jiraiya to retreat into the stomach of a summoned toad. The summoning Pain managed to infiltrate the barrier and stab Jiraiya with his chakra disruption spear. The maneuver cost him his life and Jiraiya finally noticed that the Pain before him was a man he had fought years before. Unable to figure out what that meant, Jiraiya risked his life to leave the barrier and confront Pain once again. He quickly saw that all the Pains before him were ninja he had met in the past from all over the world. In that instant he realized Pain's true identity. Pain quickly moved to silence Jiraiya and the men all stabbed their former teacher, killing him. As they moved to leave they watched in surprise as Jiraiya willed himself back to life, to leave one final message with the remaining Toad Sennin, that of Pain's true identity. One Pain fired off his arm to stop the message but the toad escaped in time. Jiraiya himself succeeded in his mission and disappeared into the nearby depths of murky water. The Yahiko Pain then used his Suiton abilities to sense the dying Jiraiya's escape. Zetsu then arrived and offered his thoughts on the battle. The previously unbeaten Pain then offered that it was only by keeping his secret that he was allowed victory that day. With the knowledge of his true nature escaping with one of the Toad Sennin, Pain's days may be numbered.

     Sometime later Konoha received Jiraiya's coded message along with the frog containing his Fuuma Clan body. This body was taken for autopsy by Shizune to help learn its secrets. Jiraiya's code was given to the Konoha Code Breakers and Shikamaru. The group went to Naruto for help. He pointed out how the initial character was probably a "ta" rather than a number 9. This lead to the group pulling the first words on certain pages in Icha Icha Tactics that corresponded to the numbers in Jiraiya's code. When brought together the code stated that "the real one isn't with them". Possibly hinting that the real Pain does not travel with the Rikudou bodies. Since he lost the use of the Fuuma body, Pain revealed a new member to his group, a pierced kunoichi. With his Rikudou army now six strong, Pain and Konan finally set out to hunt for the Kyuubi in Konoha.

     Upon reaching the outer wall of Konoha, Pain Rikudou and Konan took on their assignments. The Asura, Animal and Hungry Ghost Realm bodies would act as diversions, while Konan and the Deva, Human and Hell realms acted as reconnaissance to hunt for Naruto. Seeking to hide their numbers, Asura hurled Animal through the barrier protecting the village. Once inside, she summoned the rest of the group. The group then split to begin their attack. Asura removed his forearm to launch missile attacks and Animal summoned a giant centipede. Human found a Leaf ninja and interrogated him as to the Kyuubi's whereabouts. The man did not know Naruto's location so Human removed the man's soul and continued on.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Temari is the daughter of Yondaime Kazekage and the older sister of Kankurou and Gaara. Temari graduated from the Ninja Academy at the age of 12. At some point she bore witness to Gaara going into his full Shukaku mode, which shocked and sickened her. The village leaders began to resent the way their village was being treated by the Wind Country Daimyou. For that reason Suna planned to invade and attack Konoha with Hidden Sound. Little did they know that Sound was using Suna for their own ends, with Orochimaru killing Temari's father and then impersonating him to further draw them into war.

Plans were in place for Gaara to be used in the invasion, so she and her team entered into the Chuunin Exam under their sensei Baki. When they arrived in Konoha other Leaf Genin confronted them about why they were there. Temari mocked them for not realizing there was a Chuunin Exam happening. She and her team took their leave and then went to the first test. The skillfully trained team easily made it past the first portion of the exam and then entered the second. Due to Gaara's Shukaku protection they breezed through this portion as well. When they sought out their scroll, Gaara took the forefront and easily killed the Rain ninja who attacked them. When Gaara's bloodlust began to get the better of him Temari pleaded with him to listen to her and calm down. He finally relented and they made it to the test finish in record time.

     In the third test preliminary matches of the Chuunin Exam, Temari was placed against TenTen. Utilizing her wind techniques, Temari was able to totally nullify TenTen's ranged weapon attacks and utterly defeat her. Tossing the unconscious TenTen aside Rock Lee jumped to his teammate's defense. He moved to attack Temari after she insulted TenTen's abilities, but Might Guy stepped in to stop him from fighting before his time came. She and her siblings each won their preliminary match and they began their month long wait for the third and final test.

In the third test Temari was placed against Nara Shikamaru. Shikamaru expressed his discontent with having to fight a woman and Temari took it personally. Both ninja were skilled strategists and the match went back and forth as each fighter felt the other out. Temari launched numerous slicing wind gusts and while Shikamaru hid from the shadows attempting to bind her with his shadow. Shikamaru's intellect won out in the end, as he used his shadow to maneuver Temari into position to capture and bind her. Though she thought she was going to lose, Shikamaru gave up because he was almost out of chakra.

     When the invasion was finally launched, Temari and Kankurou moved to escort the wounded Gaara outside the village to allow him to transform. On the way Sasuke gave chase and Temari stayed behind to delay him. She quickly caught back up with Gaara and watched as he rampaged in his Shukaku form. To her surprise though, he was fought evenly by Uzumaki Naruto, who had summoned Gamabunta to help him. Naruto's strong will to protect his friends won out though, and Gaara was defeated. Coming to her exhausted brothers aid, Temari and Kankurou fled. With Gaara's and Orochimaru's defeat the invasion failed and Suna retreated. In the following weeks Suna would bow to Konoha's terms and once again become their ally. This help would soon be needed when Uchiha Sasuke left Konoha to seek out power under Orochimaru.

Tsunade dispatched a Genin team led by Shikamaru to retrieve Sasuke and also contacted Suna for help. With the Leaf in trouble with the Four Sounds, Temari and her siblings arrived and she chose to assist Shikamaru. She asked for information on her opponent Tayuya and when Shikamaru suggested retreat she said shouldn't be underestimated. Wiping blood on her fan she summoned Kamatari the weasel and scythes which cut down the forest and Tayuya. Shikamaru felt Temari was even scarier than his own mother and she gave an embarrassed grin back, stating she may have overdid it.

      While the Konoha ninja were saved from death, they failed to return Sasuke. The Sand siblings returned to Konoha with the injured ninja from Konoha. At the hospital Shikamaru expressed his fears for his friends and Temari chided him for his frailties. They soon took their leave and Temari told Shikamaru they'd be there if they needed help again. Shikamaru grinned and continued his bemused comments about women. A shortwhile later in an anime filler arc, Shikamaru got his chance to pay Suna back, coming to the aid of Temari when ninja abducted an academy trainee from their village.

     In the following years Temari passed the Chuunin Exam and advanced in rank to Jounin. During this time she began serving as a liaison to Leaf to help plan the Chuunin Exams with fellow examiner Shikamaru. When she learned that her younger brother Gaara had been captured by Akatsuki, she quickly returned home to lend help. She arrived too late and remained behind to guard her village when Naruto and his team began to track down Gaara's abductors. When Kankurou was sufficiently recuperated, she and he alongside numerous other Sand ninja raced to help Gaara. They arrived in time to see Chiyo bring him back to life. She was greatly relieved and later wished the Leaf ninja goodbye when they left Hidden Sand.


Had too much fun with puppets and lost his way.

 Sasori of the Red Sand is one disturbed puppet. He lost his parents in the war against Konoha Village when he was a child, and yearned for parental love. Having a caring grandmother didn’t seem to be enough for him, although Grandma Chiyo taught him how to play with puppets, ninja-style.

The first puppets lonely little Sasori built were in the likeliness of his parents, in an attempt to recreate the warmth of being in their arms. However, his puppets broke, and perhaps, with Sasori’s sanity along with it. His experiments with puppets grew more deadly, as he preyed on human to be the cask of his puppets. His proud collection included the 3rd Kazekage of the Sand Village, and various strong ninjas. His obsession with puppetry stopped at nothing and he eventually turned himself into a puppet as well, immortalizing his young teenage appearance.

It was perhaps around that time that he defected from the Sand Village to join the Akatsuki gang. His first partner was Orochimaru, and later Deidara after Orochimaru left the organization.


Not very much is known about this shinobi, other than the fact that he is a new member of the Akatsuki, as he took Sasori's position after he was killed by Sakura and Chiyo. He seems to act like a pretty innocent and polite person, and even a little clumsy at times.

His true identity is unknown, as he has yet to have been exposed without his mask yet, and his origination has not yet been revealed. Though it is apparent that he somehow possesses the Sharingan. Leading many to believe he could possibly be Uchiha Obito, due to the fact he only seems to have one eye (Obito gave one of his eyes to Kakashi). However there is no proof or claims of this yet. He did however claim to be Uchiha Madara, in a conversation he had with Pein, but it is unknown if he meant he is Madara in-person, or in some other way.

After joining the Akatsuki, his first assignment was to capture the Three-tailed Turtle jinchuuriki, along with Deidara. The couple managed to restrain the jinchuuriki and transport it back to the Akatsuki's hideout, where Tobi then proceeded to brag about how he defeated the demon with a one-shot knockout technique. Which seemed to be a little bit over-exaggurated.

Him and Deidara later on went on a mission to kill Sasuke, due to the fact that Deidara had always wanted to kill Orochimaru, who had been previously killed by Sasuke. Once they finally met up with him and confronted him, Sasuke made an attempt to cut Tobi in half with his word, after which Tobi got back up, completely undamaged. Tobi was more of a peer in the fight, until being requested to help set up explosives by Deidara. Deidara set off his C4 explosive, which was thought to have killed Tobi in the crossfire. However it is apparent now that he had survived.


Deidara is the youngest member of Akatsuki Group and has great respect and passion for art. He is an S-class missing nin from Rock Village who left his town in pursue of greater opportunities to practice his art.

 His artistry takes form in his clay creation. He molds figures using the mouths on his palms then infuses it with chakra to become a destructive weapon called clay bombs. His clay handiwork varies from the tiniest piece to gigantic clay explosives, from animal figures to deceivingly real human clones. He can control them at will and even uses it for transportation.

Deidara has an explosive personality as his clay bombs. His temper boils very quickly and he gets annoyed easily. Being trigger-happy that he is, you wouldn't want to risk making him angry, hmmm?

He is a clever strategist and often uses his clay to deceive his opponents. He is assigned to capture the one-tailed shukaku along with his then partner, Sasori. He had an explosive battle with Kazekage Gaara that cost him his left arm. Later after Sasori died, he is teamed up with Tobi who annoyed him with the newbie's carefree personality. He believes Akatsuki members must be formidable and serious.


Itachi Uchiha

The young Uchiha Itachi was a skilled prodigy of Leaf Village. He graduated the Ninja Academy at age 7 and passed the Chuunin Exam at age 10. By age 13 Itachi had become a captain in the special ANBU squad. During his youth Itachi looked out for his younger brother Sasuke and encouraged him to train and grow. Sasuke looked up to Itachi and saw his brother grow distant over time. During this time Itachi had come under the tutelage of Uchiha Madara, a legendary Uchiha clan member. Madara and his brother were the first to attain the Mangekyou Sharingan. Itachi learned that to obtain Mangekyou, clan members would kill their best friends. Because Mangekyou usage leads to blindness, to avoid the side effect the Mangekyou user could kill their sibling and take their Mangekyou eyes to obtain "Eternal" Mangekyou. This version of the Mangekyou would never lead to blindness. With this in mind, Itachi's view of his clan and their power began to change.

Itachi began to express that his clan was not using their gifts to their fullest capacity. To test his potential he secretly killed his best friend Shisui, which granted him the Mangekyou. Detectives from the Uchiha Police Corps questioned Itachi about Shisui's death but Itachi pleaded innocent; however he did let the detectives and his father know of his distaste for the clan's methods. A short time later Itachi and Madara moved to kill the rest of the clan. How much of the plan was Madara's idea or Itachi's own is unclear. One night Madara and Itachi began to take out the Uchiha. While Itachi himself stood over the body of his slain parents, Sasuke arrived to see the horrible scene. Itachi let Sasuke know that he could also gain the Mangekyou. Itachi hoped the massacre would drive Sasuke to his absolute limits and obtain Mangekyou as well. Sasuke would thus be Itachi's spare, a vessel to eventually provide him with "Eternal" Mangekyou. Itachi then directed Sasuke to a secret scroll which explained the final power of the Sharingan.

After wiping out his clan, Itachi fled Leaf and joined the Akatsuki Organization. Itachi was directed to help recruit a new potential member, Deidara. Together with Hoshigaki Kisame and Sasori, the trio tracked down Deidara and asked him to join the group. Deidara said he wanted nothing to do with them, so Itachi stated that if he defeated Deidara in battle, he would have to join. Deidara launched explosive animals to attack but quickly learned that he had made no such moves. The power of Itachi's Sharingan Genjutsu had overwhelmed Deidara so he relented. Deidara would carry his hatred for the Uchiha's Sharingan forever afterwards. Some time later, Orochimaru approached Itachi in the hopes of taking over his body for his own. Itachi's Sharingan proved too much for Orochimaru as well, binding him in place. Itachi then cut off Orochimaru's arm, causing the Leaf Sannin to flee and leave the group.

Several years later, Itachi finally returned to Konoha with his partner Kisame. Akatsuki sought to obtain the Kyuubi demon from inside Naruto for their own ends. The two men began to do battle with Hidden Leaf ninja, including Sharingan wielder Hatake Kakashi. Seeking to prove his was the more skilled user, Itachi used his Tsukuyomi attack on Kakashi. Tsukuyomi, one of the three Mangekyou attacks, was the most powerful Genjutsu of the Mangekyou. This ability placed the victim in a world of the Mangekyou User's own choosing and control. The victim could be put through any hell for several days, while only seconds pass in reality. When more reinforcements began to arrive, Itachi and Kisame fled. A short time afterwards Sasuke learned that Itachi had returned to the village in search of Naruto. Seeing his chance for revenge finally come, Sasuke quickly ran to track down Naruto.

Itachi and Kisame themselves had already found their target. While Naruto and Jiraiya had stopped to rest at a hotel, Itachi surprised and confronted Naruto. Before they could subdue Naruto, Sasuke arrived. Charging his Chidori, Sasuke bolted towards his brother. Itachi easily swatted the attack aside and kicked his brother into a nearby wall. Pinning Sasuke to the wall, he asked why his brother was still so weak. Wanting to further goad him into gaining more hatred, Itachi forced Sasuke to relive the moment of his parents murder over and over again with Tsukuyomi. Jiraiya arrived and Itachi let his partner know that if the three did battle, they would sure all die in the process. And since the need to capture Naruto was not immediate, the two then fled yet again. Jiraiya attempted to stop the duo, but Itachi used Amaterasu, another Mangekyou attack. This powerful black fire acted as the strongest of Mangekyou's physical attacks.

Over the next few years the duo would continue to help Akatsuki accomplish their goals. When members Deidara and Sasori captured Gaara, Kisame and Itachi volunteered to help delay the ninja who had been trailing them. Itachi once again had the opportunity to fight both Kakashi and Naruto. Itachi revealed some new skills during this battle, including the ability to cast a Genjutsu just by having his target look at his ring finger. Naruto fell victim to the attack but was helped by Sakura and elder Sand ninja Chiyo. The combined skills of Kakashi and Naruto were enough to get the better of Itachi, with Naruto striking him with Odama Rasengan. It was quickly revealed to merely be a sacrificial host body. Itachi himself was miles away acting through the sacrifice in exchange for some small measure of his chakra.

     Their delay plan worked, and the group managed to extract Shukaku from Gaara before they could be stopped. Itachi and the group then took their leave. Some weeks later Itachi and Kisame were dispatched to capture the Four-Tailed Bijuu. This demon was contained in an elder ninja who was able to wield many elemental combination attacks. Kisame proved more than capable of taking him down. The two men then discussed the proper approach to sealing the Bijuu, figuring they would need to leave Naruto and the Kyuubi for last. The group then gathered and Itachi learned that Deidara had killed Sasuke in battle.

     After the battle, Akatsuki member Zetsu reported the outcome to the group. Seeing Sasuke disappear in Deidara's final explosion, Zetsu had assumed that Sasuke had died, while he had really transported himself away via summoning. Pain, the leader of the group said that Sasuke's death was a good thing, but Itachi remained silent on the matter. A short time later Pain met in secret with fellow Akatsuki member Tobi, who was actually Uchiha Madara. Madara explained that Sasuke had survived and that his Sharingan would surpass Itachi's as well. Itachi himself remained in the countryside, watching the rain fall. Kisame questioned whether the rain hid tears since Itachi was the last Uchiha. Itachi said it didn't and that he wasn't the last one anyway. Sasuke and his Team Snake continued their journey to track down Itachi, eventually arriving at an old Akatsuki base.

Elsewhere Itachi moved to confront Naruto, who was searching for him with teams from Konoha. Naruto asked if Itachi planned to capture him, Itachi explained that he only wanted to talk. Before Naruto could learn more, Itachi dispersed into crows to handle matters elsewhere. Inside the Akatsuki base Sasuke found his brother. The two engaged in battle after some nostalgic small talk. Sasuke quickly gained the upper hand but Itachi dispersed into crows once again, telling his brother their fight would conclude on more familiar turf, another compound used by the Uchiha. Team Snake continued on and were confronted by Kisame. Sasuke had his team stay behind while he moved on towards his final confrontation with Itachi. Within the hilltop Uchiha compound Itachi watched his younger brother arrive. Reclining in a stone throne in front of a painting of nine tails, Itachi asked his brother what he saw with his Sharingan. Sasuke replied he saw his brother's death.

In an instant Itachi stood beside Sasuke and stated he would see how good Sasuke's vision was. The brothers then began to engage in hand to hand combat. Sasuke moved to use his sword and Itachi used his kunai in defense. Sasuke formed Chidori and maneuvered Itachi into the air, where he pierced him with his sword. Sasuke pinned Itachi to the ground and offered than when the battle was through, he would ask a question. Itachi merely pointed to the figure reclining in the throne, Itachi himself. The Genjutsu disappeared and Itachi stated Sasuke could go ahead and ask now. Suddenly a blade pierced through the throne's back, revealing Sasuke had used a Genjutsu as well. Sasuke then asked who the third Mangekyou user was. Itachi revealed it was Uchiha Madara, but Sasuke did believe it. Itachi explained to his brother that people live their lives based on their definitions of reality, like the way Sasuke believed Itachi cared for his younger brother.

     Sasuke then yelled that his eyes are fully open now. Turning, he sent a Chidori sword towards yet another reclining Itachi. Itachi offered that Sasuke still didn't have the Mangekyou, but Sasuke responded that it did not matter. At this point Zetsu emerged to observe and commentate on the fight, revealing the two brothers had still not moved from the time of Sasuke's initial arrival. All their movements to that point had been carried out in Genjutsu.

     Itachi then explained the Mangekyou's side effects to Sasuke. Sasuke offered that he knew secrets about the Mangekyou as well, stating that blindness is the cost of being able to control the Kyuubi. Something revealed to him by the secret scroll in the Uchiha shrine. Itachi then began to explain the process of obtain "Eternal" Mangekyou. A joy sprang to Itachi's face as he finally revealed that Sasuke would be his spare. The two brothers would carry out the Uchiha legacy: the killing of friends to obtain Mangekyou, and the killing of siblings to make it eternal. Sasuke felt the manic drive within Itachi and brushed it off, stating the moment of his revenge had finally come. Itachi replied that since Sasuke had never attained Mangekyou, his revenge would never happen. Sasuke let his brother know he was wrong; the power of his hate would make it a reality.

Sasuke then launched wave after wave of shuriken which Itachi reflected in turn with his own. The two brothers then drew blades and exchanged attacks. Sasuke followed by hurling a giant shuriken which cut through one of Itachi's clones. The clone dispersed into crows which blocked Itachi's quick movement to pin Sasuke to the wall. A helpless Sasuke then cried out as Itachi removed his eye. Sasuke then used his cursed seal to generate a wing and knock Itachi back. Itachi offered that their power difference was too great and then restrained Sasuke again and moved to take his other eye. Reality then broke down revealing Itachi had used Tsukuyomi. Sasuke collapsed but Itachi grabbed at his left eye, revealing it was Sasuke himself who broke the powerful Genjutsu, causing it to backfire against Itachi. Itachi said he would make that dream of taking Sasuke's eyes a reality, and he would do it with Amaterasu.

     Itachi focused his eye and Sasuke hurled another giant shuriken before he could begin. Itachi avoided the blade but then saw another in its shadow. He avoided it as well, but Sasuke was one step ahead, using wire to break apart one of the shuriken and bring one of its blades back into Itachi's calf. Itachi removed the blade and looked at Sasuke with dim vision. The brothers exchanged fireballs and took the fight to the roof. As they exchanged flames the tide began to turn against Itachi. He then closed his right eye and began to launch bursts of black Amaterasu fire. Sasuke moved to avoid the bursts but one connected with his hand wing. Sasuke collapsed to the roof and blood began to fall from Itachi's right eye. As he moved to take his brother's eyes, he saw that the body was a molten shell, with the real Sasuke in the room below. Sasuke had used Orochimaru's replacement technique to avoid the attack and get into position. Sasuke then went fully level two and began to unleash gigantic dragon fireballs upwards towards his brother. Many missed but one connected with Itachi's right arm. Both brothers went to their knees exhausted but Sasuke stated he had one final jutsu.

Itachi told his brother to drop the act, as he knew he was out of chakra. Sasuke said that was true, but he came prepared. Lightning began to crackle in the heavens above and Sasuke raised a Chidori charged fist to call down his impossible to avoid attack. As rain began to fall it was revealed the dragon fireballs had been used to heat up the sky and help generate thunder clouds. This allowed Sasuke to control the generated lightning, which would be more powerful and quicker than any elemental lightning. Itachi was hit directly by the attack and the compound was obliterated. Sasuke fell to his knees in triumph but Itachi was not yet done. As he rose a skeletal form began taking shape around him. Itachi acknowledged Sasuke's strength and revealed that it would have been his end if not for his own last Mangekyou jutsu, Susanoo. Soon the skeleton grew muscle and armor took shape.

Due to Sasuke's lack of chakra, the suppressed Orochimaru emerged out of his cursed seal. Soon a gigantic eight-headed snake stood before Susanoo. It quickly moved to strike and Susanoo in turn used its sword to decapitate the beast. From one of its heads emerged Orochimaru, who thanked Itachi for weakening Sasuke enough to release him. Before he could finish though Susanoo's sword had impaled Orochimaru, and began to seal him away forever, one of the swords special abilities. Itachi walked towards Sasuke but then suddenly stopped to grab his chest and cough up blood. Sasuke threw all his remaining weapons at Itachi but they were all blocked by Susanoo's shield. Sasuke quickly found himself pinned between rubble and Susanoo. He could only look on in shock as Itachi reached out to finally claim his prize. As the bloody fingers reached out Itachi whispered some inaudible final words to Sasuke.

His fingers stopped however, as his body finally failed him. Bloody fingers poked Sasuke in the forehead and then trailed down across his face as Itachi collapsed to the ground. Sasuke could only continue to look on in shock as he had somehow outlasted his brother. Zetsu looked on in amazement and tried to fathom how Itachi had fallen; figuring he apparently came into the fight already injured in some fashion. The rain began to fall again causing the blood on Sasuke's forehead to run down his face and cheek. A weakened Sasuke smiled, closed his eyes and collapsed next to his brother. He had finally achieved his revenge.

Naruto Uzamaki

 Uzumaki Naruto was born twelve years before the series start to Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage. Naruto was named after the lead character in one of Jiraiya's lesser known semi-biographical works, while Jiraiya himself got the name while eating ramen. Minato felt the main character's drive and determination made excellent qualities and he hoped to raise his son to be a shinobi like the "Naruto" character. Kushina agreed that the name would fit their son nicely. They then agreed that Jiraiya should be Naruto's godfather, as he was the finest shinobi they knew.

     Jiraiya was embarassed but accepted the honor, a role he would finally fullfil later in life. A short time later within moments of having his umbilical cord cut, Naruto was made the vessel for the Kyuubi fox demon attacking Konoha. The Fourth Hokage was able to finally end its destruction when he used the Shiki Fuujin technique to seal the demon's yin chakra away and leave the yang within the body of his newborn son Naruto. Minato lost his life, but he made sure that the Kyuubi would help Naruto while sealed away. Jiraiya would later surmise Minato knew precisely what he was doing, putting such a burden on his new son. Minato would leave a "key" to Naruto's seal with Jiraiya and the toads, to allow Naruto to manipulate the seal holding the Kyuubi, potentially to utilize an unknown incomplete and powerful jutsu. Naruto would know neither of his parents, as Kushina was unable to raise her son for some unknown reason.

      The imbuing of the Kyuubi made Naruto a "Jinchuuriki," a person with a tailed demon sealed within his body. As a side effect, Naruto would gain "whisker" marks on his cheeks. The hope of Jinchuuriki creation is for the human and the tailed beast to resonate together, thereby granting the human some measure of the demon's immense power. There were nine demons in total, known by their number of tails. Naruto got the nine-tailed and most powerful of the demons. The seals the Fourth used would ensure the Kyuubi would lend some of its power to Naruto. The seals would allow the Kyuubi chakra to leak back into Naruto's own chakra. This allows Naruto to draw on the chakra of the Kyuubi and still keep the Kyuubi itself imprisoned. The biggest benefits are the way it grants Naruto some measure of the Kyuubi's immense chakra and heals most any wounds he receives. Please see Naruto's entry in the Jinchuuriki Guide for further information.

      Naruto's father hoped the village would look on Naruto as a hero for containing the Kyuubi demon. Unfortunately quite the opposite happened; as Naruto grew the village began to see Naruto as the demon itself. The adults who knew the real story of the Kyuubi looked down on Naruto, and their feelings were passed down to their children who didn't even know he was the Kyuubi vessel. This resulted in Naruto living a lonely life as he was often shunned when seen in public. Because his parents were no longer present, he was an orphan who was raised by the village itself, under the direction of the Third Hokage who resumed his position after the Fourth died in battle. When Naruto was old enough he was given money for living and an apartment to live in. He was also enrolled in the Konoha Ninja Academy. It is unknown at what age he entered the Academy, but he attempted the graduation exam several times before those of his same age group.

Naruto grew to resent his outcast status in the village, turning to pranks to gain the attention of the other villagers. He would slack off in school, much to the dismay of his teacher Umino Iruka. Naruto would sometimes play hooky with other slackers in his class like Nara Shikamaru, Inuzuka Kiba and Akimichi Chouji. For the most part though, Naruto had no real friends. He would also feel annoyed by his fellow classmate Uchiha Sasuke, who was loved by all and always got the best grades. When Sasuke's clan was wiped out the two young boys shared a moment in their loneliness when Naruto saw Sasuke sitting by the river. As Naruto grew he saw Sasuke as a rival, especially for the affection of Haruno Sakura. Sakura was a fellow classmate of Naruto's who he had a crush on. Unfortunately Sakura found Naruto annoying and instead had eyes like most girls her age on Sasuke.

Because everyone viewed Naruto negatively, he yearned for respect and admiration, the best way to gain that would be to become the village Hokage. Unfortunately Naruto had trouble mastering even the most basic of Ninjutsu, like the Bunshin technique. When the graduation exam arrived once again, Naruto was asked by his teachers Iruka and Mizuki to do the Bunshin test, unfortunately he managed to make only one pitiful Bunshin. Once again he was held back while those around him graduated. Mizuki had his own plans for Naruto though, confiding that there was another way to graduate. Unfortunately Mizuki was manipulating Naruto for his own ends, to gain access to the scroll of sealing, which held the secrets to many forbidden jutsu. Naruto stole the seal from the Third Hokage's office and managed to learn one of its jutsu, Tajuu Kage Bunshin, a technique which created multiple clones with real substance in exchange for an equal part of the ninja's chakra. The village ninja were sent to track down Naruto but Iruka managed to find him first.

      Iruka couldn't believe Naruto's actions and he was surprised that the normally jutsu challenged Naruto could learn a jutsu from the scroll. He also soon learned that Mizuki was behind Naruto's actions. Mizuki further manipulated Naruto, revealing to him why the village shunned him, that he was the vessel for the Kyuubi Demon. Naruto reacted in fear and anger and fled, both men gave chase and when Mizuki went to kill Naruto with a giant shuriken, Iruka stepped in the way to take the blade for him. Iruka told Naruto he led a lonely life too, losing his parents to the Kyuubi he acted stupid to get attention.

      Naruto fled and they gave chase. Iruka stated he believed in Naruto and Mizuki moved to kill him. Naruto arrived to save him and his emotions boiled. Using his new technique, Naruto created numerous Kage Bunshin which pummeled Mizuki for hurting Iruka. The Third Hokage watched from afar and realized Naruto was developing in interesting ways. Iruka was amazed by his growth and gave him a reward, the headband from his forehead. He congratulated Naruto on graduating from the Academy. Naruto began to cry and hugged Iruka after achieving his first step on the path to Hokage.

    Shortly thereafter Naruto and Iruka would go and have a meal at Naruto's favorite place to eat, Ichiraku Ramen. He would also be introduced to the Third Hokage's rambunctious grandson Konohamaru. Naruto would not be impressed by Konohamaru's bad attitude and hit him for his actions. Konohamaru was shocked and wanted Naruto to be his boss and teach him his secret pervy adult weakening "Sexy Techniques". Naruto would teach Konohamaru and the two boys would become fast friends. With Naruto now a Genin he was placed in a squad under the leadership of a Jounin sensei. Naruto waited with eager anticipation to learn who his teammates were. He rejoiced when Sakura was placed on his team, and felt miserable when Sasuke was too. The group then waited for their sensei, who was late. The sensei eventually arrived, Hatake Kakashi, who appeared to have a rather droll personality, being unimpressed with his new squad.

    Kakashi revealed he had his own test for the Genin; they would have to take two bells from him. If they failed to take them in the allotted time, they would be sent back to the Academy. The Genin began to go after Kakashi and the bells in their own unique way, and all failed, Naruto especially. He was easily caught in Kakashi's traps and then tied up when he attempted to cheat. Kakashi chastised them for not seeing the truth behind things, and that if they fed the tied up Naruto they would fail his test. Knowing that a hungry Naruto did them no good, they fed him. An angry Kakashi then appeared and demanded to know why they went against his wishes, they stated that it was like he said; they were a team and had to act as one, no matter what the consequences. His attitude then did a complete 180 and he congratulated them on being the first Genin to past his test; telling them that those who didn't take care of their comrades were worse than trash. The next day they then began their missions as Team 7.

Unfortunately the missions of a Genin team typically consist of menial labor. Naruto began to grow frustrated and begged the Third Hokage for a more exciting mission, he then got his wish. Tazuna, a drunken bridge builder from the Wave Country asked to be escorted back to his home. Team 7 set out and Kakashi quickly realized they were being followed. Two missing-nins appeared to kill Kakashi and then moved to kill Tazuna. Sasuke and Sakura moved to protect him and Naruto could only watch on in fear. Kakashi then jumped in to subdue them. He congratulated Sakura and Sasuke and Sasuke asked if the scaredy-cat Naruto was okay. Naruto did not take kindly to being called names and was angry at himself for freezing up like he did. He then took a kunai and stabbed his hand, drawing blood. He made a promise to himself and the others that he would never be afraid and make the same mistake again.

They continued on their journey and were soon attacked yet again, this time by Momochi Zabuza, a missing-nin who wielded a large head-cleaving sword. Kakashi began to do battle with Zabuza but was soon imprisoned. Zabuza moved to kill Tazuna and Naruto went to flee against the deadly foe, feeling pain from his stabbed hand he reaffirmed his promise to never run away. He then created a large number of clones to subdue Zabuza but they were easily thrown away. Naruto then threw a large windmill shuriken to Sasuke. Moving in unspoken planning they tricked Zabuza with a real windmill shuriken and fake shuriken which was actually Naruto, which forced Zabuza to end his imprisonment of Kakashi. Kakashi and he then did battle and when Kakashi moved in for the kill, a masked boy took Zabuza out. Naruto was angry and confused that a boy his age could be so powerful. The group then escorted Tazuna home.

Tazuna's grandson Inari had a poor view of heroes. His stepfather was killed by Gatou, Zabuza's employer, for trying to stop him from taking over their country. Naruto reacted harshly to Inari's hopeless outlook. Kakashi explained to Inari that Naruto once felt useless too, but he never gave up and cried about it. With their mission now more dangerous, Kakashi had his students train. Showing them how to focus their chakra, he directed them to climb trees with only their feet. Sakura quickly mastered it while Sasuke and Naruto had problems. The two boys constantly trained in their desire to one-up the other and soon mastered it. While resting Naruto was approached by an unmasked Haku, the mysterious boy from earlier. Haku asked Naruto why he trained so hard and if he had any precious people in his life. He explained it was the desire to help these people which drove one to become stronger. Haku took his leave and he and his boss soon moved to strike Tazuna again.

Because Naruto was so tired he was left at Tazuna's house, when he awoke he rushed to join his comrades. When Gatou's men moved to kidnap Inari's mother, Naruto returned after he realized what was going on. Appearing at the last instant he saved both Inari and his mother, and Inari was inspired to then do what he could to help. He rushrf out and tried to rally the frightened villagers to finally rise up against Gatou. Back at the bridge Naruto's team began to battle Zabuza and Haku, and Sasuke fight Haku one on one, becoming trapped in his deadly mirror prison. Naruto soon arrived and unfortunately chose to save Sasuke inside the prison rather than destroy it from without. The two men attempted to stop the quickly moving Haku as he passed from mirror to mirror throwing kunai. Sasuke began to get the feel of Haku's movements and in a surprise move, jumped in front of a fallen Naruto when Haku moved in for the kill.

Sasuke was pierced with needles and Naruto could not grasp why the young man sacrificed himself for the one he always insulted. With emotions raging inside Naruto, the seal holding the Kyuubi back began to weaken, pouring forth from within him. This powerful red chakra turned Naruto feral, growing out his teeth and nails and making his hair go shaggy. With his new found power and speed he quickly captured the moving Haku and laid a powerful strike into his face, knocking him outside the mirror prison, destroying it. Naruto then charged to kill Haku but stopped as the young man's mask fell away, revealing the youth Naruto had spoken with earlier. With his sanity regained Naruto demanded to know why he was helping Zabuza, and Haku explained how he had come from a wiped out bloodline. Naruto could not understand how he could have been twisted by following a precious person so steadfastly. Seeing his usefulness to Zabuza at an end he asked Naruto to kill him. Naruto moved to do so but Haku quickly realized Zabuza was in trouble, he rushed to his aid and sacrificed himself. Zabuza was soon beat by Kakashi and Gatou arrived with mercenaries to finish them off. Zabuza managed to kill Gatou in one last act of redemption, and when the mercenaries moved to kill the rest of them, Inari arrived with help from the villagers, who had finally rallied to his cause. The mercenaries fled and Naruto went back to his team. He then soon discovered that Sasuke wasn't dead after all, Haku felt some measure of compassion and didn't go for the killing blow.

Looking back at the fallen Haku and Zabuza, it began to snow. Naruto began to cry, explaining how Haku had come from a snowy village and had found a precious person in Zabuza. Team 7 then buried Zabuza and Haku. Naruto promised to be a different type of ninja who didn't bury his emotions. He would use his drive to protect his precious people to get stronger. They finally took their leave from the Wave Country and Tazuna finished his bridge, which he named the Great Naruto Bridge in honor of the young man who helped inspire Inari and in turn them to finally stick up for themselves.

Team 7 would return to Konoha and undertake even more mundane missions. However it was soon time for the Chuunin Exam. Kakashi had been impressed enough that he chose to enter his team into the exam, an unheard of move for a rookie team. Two other rookie teams were also entered, Teams 8 and 10. Naruto was eager to prove himself and the squad headed to the Academy for the first test. Before they could enter the classroom they saw two older Genin blocking the entrance, really Chuunin Examiners in disguise. They noted that it wasn't actually the real classroom, it was Genjutsu. They also met another team, lead by the previous year's number one rookie Hyuuga Neji. Neji ignored Naruto and instead focused on Sasuke, much to his anger. When Neji's teammate Rock Lee later challenged Sasuke, a jealous moved to attack him first. Lee easily swatted Naruto away and battled Sasuke. Lee's sensei Guy showed up and chastised him. The team then went to take the first test.

When they made it to the exam room an excited and boastful Naruto yelled his arrival to the other gathered Genin. His fellow rookie Genin tried to quiet him and another elder Genin named Yakushi Kabuto came to warn him to be careful. Kabuto explained how the test worked and provided data on other test takers. Naruto and his team then sat down for the first test. The first test was a written exam demanding the ninja have a wide variety of knowledge and practical experience as a ninja. The point of the test was to make the Genin realize they had to cheat to proceed. Unfortunately Naruto failed to realize this and began to panic. When fellow rookie Genin Hyuuga Hinata offered Naruto the chance to cheat off her, he considered taking her offer. He did not know whether to trust her though. Naruto didn't realize that Hinata had long had a huge crush on him. Naruto reaffirmed himself though, stating that an awesome ninja like him didn't need to cheat.

With time run out and none of his nine questions answered, Naruto had to rely on answering the final question. Examiner Morino Ibiki offered the remaining Genin a stark choice, if you answer the question correctly you'll proceed, if you do not you can never take the Chuunin test again. Quitting now allowed one to take the test again in the future. Many Genin decided to leave then and Naruto appeared to consider the matter raising his hand. Sakura thought it would be best to have their team withdraw to fight another day but Naruto screamed out that he would never give up. Even if he had to remain a Genin forever he would never back down. To the confusion of the remaining Genin, Ibiki congratulated them on passing the first test. The will to go on and take that leap of faith showed their resolve to be courageous and make it through any hardship which a mission could throw at them. Naruto and his squad then moved to the second test.

The next test took place over the next week and forced the squad to obtain another scroll from another team. Naruto was eager yet again to prove himself. As the team rushed into the exam area, Naruto excused himself to use the bathroom. In his place a Rain Genin impersonated him to take their scroll. By the time the Rain Genin was driven off, they were under watch by yet another ninja, a Grass ninja who soon separated the real Naruto from his squad with a huge wind gust. Naruto was then attacked by a gigantic snake, which soon swallowed him. Naruto was in a bad spot being slowly digested until he used Tajuu Kage Bunshin to explode the snake's stomach and escape. When he came back to his team, he found Sasuke in a fierce battle with the Grass Genin. When Sasuke reacted in fear to his opponent Naruto struck him for his cowardice. He then moved to fight the Grass ninja.

When the Grass ninja and his summoned snake moved to get Sasuke, Naruto stopped it as his Kyuubi powers emerged. The Grass ninja quickly realized who Naruto was. Naruto asked Sasuke what kind of scaredy-cat he was. Before he could do more, the Grass ninja struck, putting another seal over his Kyuubi seal, disrupting his ability to access that power. The Grass ninja was revealed to be Orochimaru, a Leaf village missing-nin. He had set his sites on Sasuke and the two did battle. Naruto remained unconscious and Sasuke was soon knocked unconscious too when Orochimaru put his curse seal on him.

     Naruto was taken care of by Sakura and he awoke a short time later to see the outcome of a battle between Sakura and other Leaf Genin against the Sound Genin. The team rested and began to worry about how to gather their needed scroll in the short time remaining. Naruto theorized they could open their scroll, going against the rules, and then fake their needed scroll. Before he could carry out his actions Kabuto arrived to warn them not too. With Kabuto's help they proceeded to the tower to try for another scroll.

On the way they got caught in the Genjutsu of the Rain Genin who had attacked earlier in the test. They did battle and made use of Naruto's stamina to trick the Rain, knock them out and get their scroll. With the needed scroll they completed the test. At the central tower they met Iruka who congratulated them and talked about what it meant to be a Chuunin. The group then proceeded on and saw that their fellow rookies also made it. The Third Hokage explained the purpose of the test and stated since so many who passed, a preliminary tournament would be held. The Genin would be randomly paired against another, with the winner advancing. Sasuke spoke of how eager he was to test himself. And thinking over the strength shown by Naruto in the last test, he added that he couldn't wait to fight Naruto as well. Their compatriot Kabuto, really Orochimaru's spy, took his leave and he wished them luck.

Naruto watched the battles and eagerly awaited his turn. It soon came when he was placed against Inuzuka Kiba and his dog Akamaru. Kiba remembered how poor Naruto was in the academy and began to launch his attacks against Naruto. Despite flooring Naruto with a beast mimicking style of Taijutsu that made Naruto bleed from the mouth, Naruto refused to stay down. Kiba then created a cloud of smoke and used the lack of sight along with Akamaru to keep the advantage to himself. However, Naruto once again stole the advantage back and used a combination of Kage Bunshin and Henge to fool Kiba and capture Akamaru. Insulted, Kiba fed Akamaru a pill that turned his fur red and increased his strength. The two then used a combination technique to make them both into feral-looking versions of Kiba that boasted enhanced speed and strength, double-teaming Naruto with a spinning drill attack. Kiba’s confidence only increased after the attack, causing him to taunt that he would be more likely to be Hokage before Naruto.

     However, Naruto’s determination caused him to stand again. Irritated, Kiba and Akamaru proceeded to shred him up even more, throwing more smoke bombs to prevent his escape. However, they halted their assault as Naruto masked himself as one of them. Kiba’s sense of smell proved superior, however, causing him to lash out at the fake. However, the hit figure changed into Akamaru. Instantly, Kiba slammed an even more savage hit into the other, who also slide away and transformed into Akamaru. The first Akamaru then transformed back into Naruto and attacked Kiba, now Akamaru was out of the match entirely thanks to Kiba. Kiba resumed his solo assault against Naruto; seeking revenge for making him hit his own dog. The tide of the match began to turn in his own favor but Naruto repeatedly threatened a new move which he could never complete.

Kiba would rush in to finish him off before he could start by slipping in for an attack on his blind side. However, Naruto’s nervousness caused him to lose control of his bodily functions inadvertently. Kiba was forced to stagger back due to the flatus, as it revolted his ultra-sensitive nose. Naruto then managed to do his move, a Taijutsu attack using Kage Bunshin. Inspired by Sasuke's own new move, he kicked Kiba into the air and then spun around and kicked him back into the ground. Naruto was victorious to everyone's surpise and he went to watch the remaining matches.

When Hinata was matched against her cousin Neji, Naruto became angry at his words concerning losers, and their destiny to always remain such. Naruto inspired Hinata to not give up and fight back. Neji won the match but didn't give up on his "loser" talk. An annoyed Naruto gathered Hinata's blood on his fingers and made a promise to Neji, that he would kick his butt in the next test. He would get his chance, as he was paired against Neji in the third test. After the prelims Naruto was eager to train under Kakashi, but his sensei instead had him train under Ebisu, the "elite" ninja who had trained Konohamaru. Naruto didn't care for Ebisu, calling him a closet pervert. Ebisu managed to get through to Naruto and began to teach him how to walk on water. Before they could finish their lesson Ebisu moved to stop a spying pervert at the women's hot springs. The pervert was Jiraiya, Orochimaru's former teammate and one of the three Legendary Sannin.

Jiraiya was the sensei of the Fourth Hokage, and saw a bit of himself and the Fourth in Naruto. Naruto demanded the pervy sage teach him in Ebisu's place. With the usage of his Sexy Technique, Naruto convinced the experienced ninja to train him. Jiraiya first set about removing the seal Orochimaru had placed on Naruto several weeks before. He then allowed Naruto to sign his toad contract, and be the next ninja to have a summoning contract with the toad family. Jiraiya began to teach Naruto how to draw upon the Kyuubi's chakra whenever needed, rather than just during times of heightened emotion.

Jiraiya forced Naruto to learn to draw it out by pushing him off a cliff. When Naruto focused he found himself in an internalization of the Kyuubi prison. He met the Kyuubi face to face for the first time and demanded the fox give him chakra as rent. The Kyuubi was angered at his imprisonment but chose to humor Naruto, as Naruto's death would result in his own. From that point on Naruto could draw on the Kyuubi power when he needed a large amount of chakra. This power allowed him to summon the toad boss Gamabunta.

After summoning Gamabunta, Naruto was taken to the hospital to recuperate. While there he met up with Shikamaru and learned that Gaara had come to finish off Rock Lee, who was also in the hospital. Shikamaru managed to bind Gaara with his shadow and Naruto struck Gaara, demanding to know why he was there. Gaara explained how a monster had been sealed himself him and Naruto quickly realized the two young men were the same. Gaara explained how his own father had overseen the process and then sought to kill him. Gaara's life had mirrored Naruto's own. He realized his existence was acknowledged and he had formed bonds that made him stronger, something Gaara didn't have. Gaara moved to attack but Guy arrived to send him away. Naruto then returned to his home and waited for the third test to start. Unfortunately he was so nervous he could barely sleep the night before test.

     He woke early to go to the Genin training area, where he had been taken the bell test. There Naruto met Hinata, and he explained how worried he was. He may appear strong but he always failed. Hinata told him that's not true. Even if he failed he never gave up, that's what true strength was. Naruto felt revived and thanked her. He then told her that though he once thought she was weird; he actually liked people like her. To the girl who had such a huge crush on him, the words stunned her. Naruto made it to the exam stadium and saw that Sasuke had yet to arrive. Naruto and Neji were up first for their match and Naruto reiterated his promise to make Neji change his views on "losers".

Naruto formed numerous Kage Bunshin and began to launch an assault against Neji. Unfortunately Neji's superior Taijutsu managed to take out most of the clones. He then moved through the crowd of Naruto's to strike the one not attacking, he acted smug stating he knew the real one wouldn't attack, but that Naruto puffed away, and from among the crowd the real one jumped to strike. Unfortunately Neji used his Kaiten to blow the Narutos away from him, and then launched a Juuken attack against Naruto, closing off his tenketsu, the points in the body which maintained chakra flow.

Naruto refused to stay down. He told Neji he failed to understand why he acted so high and mighty, so Neji explained to Naruto the Hyuuga history. Naruto said he didn't care for their sad past. He then began to draw on the Kyuubi power using Jiraiya's training. The Kyuubi power soon emerged and encased his body, greatly increasing his speed and power. Naruto then charged, telling Neji that if he didn't believe he could change his family's problems, then Naruto himself would when he became Hokage. The two men locked in combat and the area surrounding them exploded in dust as they exchanged blows.

     When the dust settled two craters marked the ground. Neji climbed out of one and Naruto lay still in the other. Neji limped over and gloated that a loser will always be such. Suddenly the ground beneath him cracked and Naruto rose to uppercut him in the chin, knocking him backwards to the ground. Naruto had left a clone in the crater while he himself had dug underground to surprise Neji. Naruto's belief in himself allowed him to change whatever "perceived" destiny given to him. A motionless Neji soon realized that. With his opponent down, Naruto was declared the victor. The crowd roared in congratulations and an embarrassed Naruto finally got the respect and admiration of Konoha. Naruto would return the waiting area and eagerly wait for Sasuke to show up. When he finally did, Naruto responded to Sasuke's earlier statement before the third test prelims, that he was eager to fight him too.

     He then watched as Sasuke battled Gaara in his match. Naruto and Shikamaru thought over their previous encounter with Gaara and rushed to warn Kakashi that Sasuke was in trouble. Kakashi then revealed that he had trained well with Sasuke, teaching him Chidori. Naruto watched as Sasuke managed to inflict damage on Gaara. Soon Naruto grew tired, a Genjutsu attack was being launched on the stadium, Sand and Sound's invasion of Leaf had begun.

Naruto was soon awakened by Sakura, and she, Shikamaru and Naruto were ordered to chase Sasuke, who had went in pursuit of Gaara and his siblings. Lead after Sasuke by Kakashi's summoned dog Pakkun, the group realized they were being pursued by Sound ninja. These ninja had been ordered to eliminate Naruto. Shikamaru decided to hang back and stop them while Naruto and Sakura continued on. When they finally caught up to Sasuke they saw him weak from battling a partially Shukaku formed Gaara. Naruto didn't recognize Gaara but the sand encasing his body took the form of the Bijuu inside him. Gaara managed to pin Sakura to a tree with sand. The constriction of which threatened her life. Naruto looked on with determination and Gaara wondered why he didn't flee. Naruto stated he would protect his friends and went to summon Gamabunta; unfortunately he only managed his son Gamakichi.

Naruto saw Gaara's wild lonely eyes and thought of his own lonely past, but then thought of Iruka and his team, and the new bonds he had formed. Naruto formed Kage Bunshin and jumped to attack but he was swatted away. After attacking again he was still knocked down. Rising to his feet he felt a new drive welling inside him. That even if he lost his life, he would not lose this battle. He charged and managed to lay an explosive note into Gaara. Naruto thought back over his past, and he told Sasuke that he and Gaara were alike, but his precious friends made them different. Thinking back to his talk with Haku, he knew the drive to protect someone special made someone truly strong. Charging his chakra again he used Tajuu Kage Bunshin and the clones launched an all out pummeling assault against Gaara. When they went in for the kill Gaara's full Shukaku power emerged, creating a life-size sand incarnation of the demon.

Sand soon began to well around Naruto as Gaara planned to crush him, out of chakra he thought back to his training with Jiraiya and tried to summon again, this time it worked and he brought forth Gamabunta. Gaara then made himself sleep and let Shukaku take over. Gamabunta was reluctant to help, but his son Gamakichi spoke highly of Naruto's recent actions so he changed his mind. The two gigantic creatures began to exchange attacks. Gamabunta stated they had to awaken Gaara and that he had to transform into a creature that would allow him to grasp a hold of the demon, thinking of the Kyuubi, Naruto and Gamabunta transformed into the beast and grabbed on to Shukaku. Naruto moved to awaken Gaara but was held back by sand. Naruto felt weak from using so much chakra. Focusing internally he asked the Kyuubi for help and the power welled.

He charged and was once again held in place by sand, mere inches from Gaara. He struggled and head butted his opponent, awakening him. Shukaku crumbled and Gamabunta took his leave. The two men then fell back to the earth and landed in the trees. Looking intently at the other they launched to strike. Naruto's strength won out and he socked Gaara back to the ground below. As they lay on the ground Gaara watched as the exhausted Naruto began to crawl towards him with just his chin. A frightened Gaara worried that his existence would soon end, he warned him to come no further but Naruto kept on. Naruto then looked at him in tears, saying he understood the pain of being alone but that he would kill him if he hurt the people precious to him. Gaara realized that the drive to protect others made one like Naruto truly strong. Naruto said he had people who finally acknowledged his existence. Sasuke arrived and told Naruto Sakura was okay. Gaara's siblings then arrived and took him in retreat.

     Sakura thanked Sasuke for saving her, but he said it was Naruto, who had shown an unknown strength. Sasuke's growing annoyance at the strength of the supposed loser Naruto began to gnaw at him. In the following days Naruto recuperated and Konoha gathered for the Third Hokage's funeral, who had fall fallen in battle to Orochimaru. There Naruto talked with Iruka about the nature of death and life.

A few days later Jiraiya arrived and told Naruto they were going in search of Tsunade, one of his former teammates and fellow Legendary Sannin. They could use the time to further train and he would teach Naruto a technique which rivaled Sasuke's Chidori. An excited Naruto jumped at the chance to train under the pervy sage and the two men headed out. At this same time the group Akatsuki came in search of Naruto. They sought the Kyuubi demon within him. Part of the Akatsuki duo was Itachi, Sasuke's brother. Itachi and his partner Hoshigaki Kisame tracked down Naruto to a hotel. Sasuke arrived too looking for Itachi. Naruto had been left alone while Jiraiya had gone off with a woman. Naruto looked on in fear as the men planned to subdue him. When Kisame moved to cut off Naruto's limbs, Jiraiya arrived in the knick of time to save him. He drove the two ninja off and then sent Sasuke back to Konoha's hospital. The two men then continued on their journey.

They traveled throughout the countryside and then stopped to rest. Naruto demanded to know when he would be trained and Jiraiya revealed the Rasengan, a destructive spiraling sphere of chakra developed by the Fourth Hokage. This highly ranked technique had multiple chakra manipulation steps which Naruto fought to figure out. The two men finally tracked down Tsunade and Jiraiya revealed his secret goal, to offer her the position of Fifth Hokage. Naruto couldn't believe that the position would be offered to drunken women who hid her true age. When she declined the job and stated that anyone who risked their life was a fool Naruto took it personally. Naruto was furious at her talk and demanded they fight. Going outside he charged but she easily cut off his protector and then swatted him away with a flick of a finger to the forehead. He stated that unlike her, it was his dream to be Hokage.

Forming his incomplete version of Rasengan he charged, and she yet again easily avoided the attack. She chastised Jiraiya for teaching the jutsu to a foolish kid with dreams of becoming Hokage. Naruto was angered by her words and stated he could complete the jutsu in another couple days time. Tsunade stated she would give him the week, and if he completed it she would acknowledge his ability to become Hokage and give him the priceless necklace which belonged to her grandfather the First Hokage. What Naruto didn't know was that at the end of that week, Tsunade was expecting to meet with Orochimaru. For her former teammate had come seeking her healing abilities, to repair his arms which were damaged in battle with the Third. Over the following week Naruto would continue to practice his Rasengan training. Tsunade's attendant Shizune came and spoke with Naruto, telling him Tsunade's bad mood wasn't his fault.

     Tsunade's younger brother and boyfriend shared the same dreams as Naruto and they had died hopelessly in battle in pursuit of those dreams. Naruto continued to practice to exhaustion. The week was finally up and Naruto was unable to totally complete his training. He was eager to show what he had learned though. Jiraiya soon arrived and they learned Tsunade had gone to meet with Orochimaru, in exchange for healing his arms he promised to resurrect her fallen brother and boyfriend. Thinking how much it would let them down, she chose to fight, striking out against Orochimaru and his spy Kabuto. Naruto and the others went to help, coming at the right moment to save Tsunade. It was then that Naruto reacted in surprise to Kabuto's presence.

Tsunade charged to continue her assault and Naruto was confused about why she was fighting him, Jiraiya pointed out he was a spy and Naruto couldn't believe it. Kabuto insulted Naruto, telling him he was weak and relied on the monster inside him. He was so pitiful that he could easily kill him. Naruto was pissed and charged with Kage Bunshin, they were easily dispersed by Kabuto and Naruto was thrown aside. Orochimaru and Kabuto then summoned a giant snake and Jiraiya attempted and failed. He was weak from an earlier poisoning by Tsunade and only managed to call forth Gamakichi. Naruto then tried to summon Gamabunta but only managed to summon Gamatatsu, Gamakichi's brother. Jiraiya and Orochimaru began to battle and Naruto injured his leg in the melee. Kabuto continued his assault against Tsunade, using her fear of blood against her. When he went to strike her, Naruto moved to intercept the blow, taking the strike right to his forehead protector.

He quickly formed Rasengan to Tsunade's surprise but Kabuto easily dodged the attack, cutting Naruto's leg muscles in the process. Kabuto then read off his data card on Naruto, stating he was nothing special. That if he wanted to be Hokage he should flee now, because he was about to die. Naruto stated he would not run away, standing wobbly in front of Tsunade he told her to remember the bet. Kabuto would strike him several times, severing his internal organs. Naruto would not stay down though, forming a Bunshin he watched intently as Kabuto charged with a kunai. Naruto stood his ground and lifted his hand, taking the kunai through the palm to grasp Kabuto and hold him in place. He then held his other hand out while the clone formed Rasengan in it and then sent it home, straight into Kabuto's chest. Kabuto was sent spiraling backwards, unfortunately his medical skills allowed him to avoid the brunt of the attack, but he was severely weakened from the blow.

Tsunade could not believe what he had accomplished in such a short time. Naruto collapsed and his life began to fade, even the Kyuubi inside felt his end drawing near. Tsunade rushed to heal him. Looking up at her weakly he told her the necklace was now his, as he had won their bet. Tsunade looked at him with tears and placed the necklace around his neck. Naruto was soon escorted to safety with Shizune while Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru began their battle. Orochimaru and Kabuto were soon driven off and the Leaf ninja returned to the city to rest. Tsunade told them she would accept the position as Hokage and Naruto couldn't believe the old and crabby fool could do it. Tsunade grew agitated by his words and demanded he come outside, challenging him to yet another one finger battle Naruto charged. She flicked off his protector, but inside of flicking him away this time, she kissed his forehead, congratulating him on a job well done. She told him to grown into a good man and a good Hokage. The group then headed back to Konoha.

Naruto was eager for Tsunade to help heal Kakashi and Sasuke, who had both been damaged in battle with Itachi. When Sasuke awoke his feeling of inadequacy had grown huge. After being easily beaten by his brother and seeing Naruto's huge growth he challenged him to a fight. Naruto was eager to prove himself so the two young men headed for the hospital roof. Naruto expressed his excitement, as he was not the talentless ninja he once was. He told Sasuke to put on his headband but he retorted that Naruto could not scratch his forehead. Sasuke then yelled that they were not equals. An angry Naruto charged and Sasuke knocked him aside. Naruto used Tajuu Kage Bunshin and sent numerous clones in attack. Sasuke used his advanced Taijutsu to avoid their attacks, three clones managed to sneak in though and launch him into air for a Naruto Rendan. Sasuke avoided the kick in the air and launched a fireball towards the Naruto's below.

   Most poofed away but two remained, forming Rasengan. Sasuke formed Chidori and the two men rushed towards each other. Sakura yelled for them to stop and Kakashi appeared before the moves could connect, throwing the boys aside into nearby water towers. Sasuke's Chidori opened a large hole while Naruto's made a small one. Kakashi demanded to know what was going on and Sasuke retreated, feeling good about himself. He soon saw though that Naruto's Rasengan had ripped a gigantic hole in the backside of his water tower.

His growing feelings of inadequacy would drive him into the hands of Orochimaru. Sasuke fled Konoha with Orochimaru's men and Naruto could not believe it. Tsunade had a Genin squad gathered under Shikamaru to go in pursuit. Sakura saw the team off and stated that only Naruto could bring Sasuke back. Naruto made her a promise, that he would return Sasuke no matter what. The team then headed out, with each team member eventually facing off against one of the Sound ninja one on one. Finally an enraged Naruto himself had caught up to Sound ninja Kimimaro who was carrying the casket holding Sasuke. Naruto demanded to know why Orochimaru wanted Sasuke and Kimimaro explained Sasuke was to be the next vessel to hold Orochimaru's spirit. Naruto yelled that he wouldn't let that happened and created a gigantic number of clones.

The clones launched their attack but Kimimaro's superior Taijutsu and bone usage soon took out the large force. The casket carrying Sasuke soon burst, revealing a long haired Sasuke who had been granted further dark powers by Orochimaru. Naruto yelled for him, asking to know why he was doing this. Sasuke merely laughed and bounded away. Kimimaro moved to strike but Naruto was saved by Rock Lee. Lee told Naruto he could handle Kimimaro, Naruto then went off again in pursuit of Sasuke.

    He caught up to Sasuke at the river which formed the border between the two countries. Two huge statutes marked the spot where two ninja, one the First Hokage, had done battle and ripped the landscape asunder. Naruto demanded to know why he left and Sasuke said he had his own path. Naruto jumped towards Sasuke stating the others had risked their lives for him and how he could disrespect them like that. Naruto knocked Sasuke down and pinned him to the ground. Slamming his fist into Sasuke's face he yelled that Orochimaru only wanted his body. Sasuke stated he didn't care. Naruto then firmly told him that if he didn't come willingly, he'd use force. Sasuke then lifted Naruto off his body and punched him into the water below. Surprised by his power, Naruto quickly moved to attack again. The two men exchanged blows and Sasuke stated his dreams were in the past. Naruto demanded to know if their time as a team meant nothing. Sasuke stated no, he now considered Naruto his closest friend. Unfortunately Naruto did not know that to attain another level of Sharingan, one had to supposedly kill their closest friend. The two men exchanged attacks over the face of the statues, and Sasuke warned that he would kill him. Naruto stated he would have to beat sense into him and formed Rasengan. Sasuke then formed Chidori and charged. The attacks connected and the two young men were thrown backwards. Naruto lay in the water and thought over how Sasuke could be acting this way.

     The two men began exchanging attacks again and Naruto thought back over how he felt they were similar while growing up, both loners. Sasuke would never speak to him though and simply excelled at everything. He grew to see him as a rival and secretly wanted to be like him. When Sasuke stated that he wanted to fight him too, he felt acknowledged by him for the first time. But even now he simply doesn't understand. Sasuke then picked up the motionless Naruto and lifted him high, forming Chidori. Naruto simply looked on, turning feral with Kyuubi power.

     The Chidori struck home, right into Naruto's chest. Looking on Naruto reiterated his promise to stop Sasuke. Sasuke had pierced Naruto's lung and arm making it impossible to move his arm. He moved to choke Naruto but he jerked back, as the Kyuubi power rushed through him. He watched on in shock as the red chakra flowed through Naruto's body and healed the gaping wound. A furious Naruto looked on, stating he would bring him back to Konoha, even if he had to break his bones to do it. Sasuke demanded to know what Naruto was and he responded a friend. Using his new speed and power he swatted Sasuke away, avoiding and deflecting his attacks. Pinning Sasuke to the rock face Sasuke stated Naruto had no bonds growing up, so he didn't know what it was like to lose them. Naruto stated that's true, but when he's around Sasuke it's like he has a brother. Sasuke was one of his first bonds, and he would do everything in his power not to lose it.

      Sasuke then put on his forehead protector, finally acknowledging Naruto's strength for the first time, but he added, Naruto still couldn't scratch his headband. Using his new Sharingan abilities Sasuke managed to take control of the fight and knock Naruto into the water again. As he lay there the Kyuubi spoke out, calling him weak, that Naruto should thank the Fourth for allowing Naruto to access his power. Suddenly a new surge of power flowed through the even more feral Naruto, encasing him in a red fox-like chakra. Sasuke finally understood Naruto's special power and moved to defend himself.

      Naruto came at blinding speed, extending the fox chakra out of his body to attack, allowing him to avoid the Sharingan's predictive capabilities. Using the chakra as a hand he slammed into Sasuke and then threw him into the cliff face. Sasuke then revealed the true extent of his curse seal gift from Orochimaru, turning dark and growing large wings. The two men exchanged attacks and Naruto severely injured his left arm. Looking at the other from opposite sides of the river bank, Sasuke formed a dark Chidori and Naruto a Kyuubi-chakra infused Rasengan. The two men then launched themselves at the other.

     A huge orb of destruction formed as the attacks drew near. Neither man could force themselves to go for the killing blow though. Naruto moved to instead scratch Sasuke's protector, proving Sasuke wrong, while Sasuke himself moved to draw back his fingers into a fist, punching Naruto instead. When the dust settled both men were back to normal and Naruto lay unconscious on the ground with Sasuke over him. Sasuke's forehead protector slipped off and he took one last look at Naruto and then left to join Orochimaru. Kakashi soon arrived, too late to stop the battle.

Kakashi carried Naruto back to Konoha. Naruto awoke on the way and wished for the safety of his fellow teammates. Naruto rested and recuperated at the hospital. He was glad that his fellow teammates were okay, but afraid to face Sakura. When she came to his room he apologized for failing, and that he wouldn't give up. She stated that was okay, next time they would do it together. Soon Jiraiya arrived and he stated he would take on Naruto as his apprentice. That they had three years until Orochimaru would take over Sasuke. He recommended Naruto give up on Sasuke, as only a fool would keep on trying to get him back. He stated he once chased after Orochimaru for similar reasons and failed. Naruto stated he'd be a fool then, but he'd get stronger and be powerful enough to stop Orochimaru and Akatsuki. After leaving the hospital Naruto met up with Iruka for one more Ichiraku meal. With his stuff in tow, he headed off with Jiraiya. He would travel the world and train, and grow strong enough to stop Akatsuki and bring back Sasuke.

Over two and half years would pass before Jiraiya and Naruto would return to Konoha. During their time away Jiraiya taught Naruto how Genjutsu functioned and showed him how to better take advantage of the Kyuubi power. Unfortunately this power grew too much for Naruto to contain, causing him to lose even more of his self-awareness when the power grew. Like the tailed form he took at the Valley of the End, Naruto would further expand his "tailed" capabilities, achieving a four-tailed form. In this wild state, he became a uncontrollable and powerful beast. His skin peeled and melted away, causing his blood to boil out and encase him in a feral poisonous red fox body. This beast proved too much even for Jiraiya, inflicting a large scar on his chest. Unfortunately prolonged usage of this state further weakens the seal the Fourth used. Also the boiling chakra and power simultaneously destroys and heals Naruto's body, shortening his life span.

     Naruto finally returned to Konoha at the age of 15. He wore a new outfit and forehead protector cloth, as his old ones were worn to shreds in his training. Naruto presented Kakashi with the latest edition of the Icha Icha book series, which Jiraiya had finished in their time away. Jiraiya then turned Naruto over into Kakashi's care. Naruto was surprised at how Sakura had matured and she the same of him. Naruto warmly greeted Konohamaru and when the young boy showed him his latest refinement to the Sexy Technique Naruto calmly stated he shouldn't use that jutsu anymore. Sakura was amazed at his maturity but Naruto quickly shattered her hopes when he boldly declared he had developed an even more perverted jutsu. She then socked him into the ground for being such an idiot. Kakashi was eager to test their development so he brought back an old challenge, the bell test. For many hours Naruto and Sakura revealed their new strength and battle intelligence, but they still could not get the bells. Naruto finally devised a plan, threatening to spoil the end to Kakashi's new Icha Icha book; Naruto and Sakura were given an opening to take the bells.

    Naruto ran into Shikamaru and Temari and learned his friends had grown and advanced as well. Because he was away from Konoha, he was unable to participate in any of the Chuunin Exams. This meant Naruto was still a Genin while all his friends advanced in rank. He was even surprised to learn Gaara had become Kazekage. His friend had finally been acknowledged by his village and become a Kage, and he was happy from the bottom of his heart. Naruto also met back up with Iruka and Naruto told him about his tough training regimen. A short time later Team 7 awaited their new mission. Naruto was eager for something challenging and he quickly got his wish. Akatsuki had began to move and word soon arrived that they had invaded Hidden Sand and captured Gaara after a tough battle. Tsunade then ordered them to head to Sand and back them up. The team prepared to leave and Jiraiya warned Naruto not to use a certain jutsu which had been learned in their time away.

     Naruto rushed to Sand and explained to Sakura why he was in such a rush. He and Gaara were alike, they both had demons sealed inside. Gaara was even lonelier than he growing up, as Gaara had no precious people in his life. Naruto expressed his frustration that it was always Gaara who was alone, and now they had him. When they arrived they learned Kankurou had been poisoned. Elder Sand kunoichi Chiyo saw Kakashi and mistook him for his father, who had killed her son years before. When she moved to attack the surprised Kakashi, Naruto quickly intercepted her attack. She soon realized her mistake and plans were made to track down Akatsuki using a piece of cloth taken from one of the members. Kankurou thought back over previous conversations with his brother Gaara, and how changed he was after fighting Naruto. How Gaara realized it was the connections with others which made one truly strong. Kankurou knew he owed Naruto much, and he wished him luck on his mission.

. She explained to Naruto and Sakura for the first time the true nature of the Bijuu, and how dangerous they were. Their conversation was soon cut short as an opponent blocked their path, Uchiha Itachi. Naruto was eager to prove himself but Kakashi offered to take him on. Itachi sent a Kage Bunshin after Naruto and he hit it with Rasengan. It poofed away and Naruto soon saw everyone was unconscious. They rose and turned into Itachi's, though he had been careful not to look into Itachi's eyes, he had been caught in his Genjutsu. Naruto focused on his training with Jiraiya but Itachi began to assault Naruto with shuriken and mental attacks. The heads of his teammates began to emerge from his body, chastising him for his failures. He was soon awakened by Sakura and Chiyo, and went to help Kakashi take out Itachi.

   Kakashi managed to pin Itachi in place with a Kage Bunshin. Calling for Naruto the young man struck through the clone right into Itachi's chest with an Oodama Rasengan. With the assistance of a Kage Bunshin, a feral Naruto had taken out Itachi. Unfortunately it wasn't Itachi, for Itachi himself had merely been using a host body to delay them. Chiyo surmised Akatsuki may plan to make a new Jinchuuriki. She explained to them and Naruto what a Jinchuuriki's purpose was and how the removal of the Bijuu results in the their death. Sakura was afraid for Naruto but he told her not worry. The team then made their way to Akatsuki's hideout and Kakashi explained to Chiyo that Naruto was a Jinchuuriki as well. And that he knew the same pain as Gaara and was happy he had become a Kage. Chiyo understood their youth gave them a different outlook, and that they could possibly make things better. Outside of the Akatsuki cave base they met Team Guy, who had been sent as reinforcements.

     Naruto was eager to enter the cave and once Team Guy had removed the barrier the team moved in. Naruto looked on in horror as two Akatsuki's members, Deidara and Sasori, nonchalantly reclined on Gaara's lifeless body. Naruto had arrived too late, Gaara's bijuu had been removed and he had died in the process. With emotions boiling he moved to take Gaara's body back but Kakashi stopped him. When Deidara and Sasori began to argue a furious Naruto pulled a scroll and hurled a summoned giant shuriken at them. It was easily batted away and Deidara took his leave. Jumping on his clay bird he scooped up Gaara and flew out of the cave. Naruto and Kakashi then gave chase. Furious with rage Naruto launched himself at Deidara and smashed into a nearby cliff. Deidara coldly stated Naruto wasn't like the other Jinchuuriki they had captured and killed, who were abandoned by their villages. Deidara said Gaara had lost his Bijuu and life, and Naruto would be next. Naruto stared intently, yelling that he would kill them all.

    Deidara then fled and they gave chase. Naruto charged on and Kakashi told him to calm down, revealing his new Mangekyou Sharingan. With this new doujutsu he managed to collapse in Deidara's arm. When he attempted to focus the attack again Naruto jumped and detached the bird head carrying Gaara with a Rasengan. He created two clones to take the head to safety and examine Gaara. Deidara jumped away and a Naruto moved to assist Kakashi. The Naruto looking at Gaara told Deidara he would finish him. The Akatsuki member looked on and thought Kakashi was the problem, unfortunately he failed to see the feral Naruto jumping from his blindside. That Naruto smacked Deidara to the ground below, created clones to pummel him and rammed Rasengan into Deidara's chest. Unfortunately Deidara had replaced himself with a Kawarimi.

      The clones poofed away and Naruto stood with the Kyuubi chakra boiling out of him. A tail grew from his body and another began to grow. The Naruto assisting Kakashi doubled over, feeling a burning sensation through his body. Kakashi realized this was a Kyuubi form Jiraiya had warned him about. He then rushed to slap a seal Jiraiya had given him on Naruto's forehead. The seal suppressed the Kyuubi chakra and returned him to normal. Deidara made his escape using an exploding Bunshin and Sakura and Chiyo arrived from their battle.

Sakura examined Gaara and confirmed his passing. Naruto demanded to know why these things had happened to Gaara. Why had they put a demon inside him and had they even asked if he wanted it. Crying, he told them he trained hard, but he could save neither Sasuke nor Gaara. Chiyo moved to use a jutsu and Naruto demanded to know what she was doing. Sakura explained Chiyo planned to revive Gaara. Chiyo didn't have enough chakra so Naruto offered his own. Putting his hands on hers she thought over how highly Kakashi had spoken of the young man and stated she was entrusting the future to their capable hands.

A short time later many other Sand shinobi arrived to help, including Gaara's siblings. They watched as Gaara was resurrected and Naruto told the young man he had put them through a lot. Kankurou thanked Naruto again and Naruto said they should thank Chiyo. Naruto failed to realize her jutsu cost her her life. Chiyo had left the future to them, and Naruto said the Third had spoken the same way. They returned to Suna and prepared to leave. An embarrassed Naruto stated that this was usually when people shook hands to say goodbye. Gaara raised his hand and used sand to raise Naruto's. The two men shook hands and the Leaf ninja returned to Konoha. Their mission also revealed that Sasori was planning to meet a spy of his who was in Orochimaru's cadre. In a weeks time the two were to meet at a Grass Country bridge. With Sasori dead, Team 7 could impersonate him and gather intel on Orochimaru.

Naruto spoke with Tsunade about meeting the spy. Council advisers Koharu and Homura recommended Naruto stay in Konoha, as Akatsuki was hunting him. Tsunade agreed to allow a member of ANBU Root to join the team. The Root were known for their lack of emotions and strong loyalty to Konoha. Tsunade then added an ANBU of her choosing named Yamato, who would lead them due to Kakashi's recuperation. Naruto met Team 8 again and asked if they would help on his new mission but they already had one. He also met with Shikamaru who also had other duties. Chouji offered to help but he had a mission too. Out of nowhere ink tigers began to attack the trio. They came from a pale young ninja wearing a Konoha forehead protector. Naruto moved to attack the stranger and demanded to know what was going on. The young man was Sai, an ANBU Root member newly assigned to Naruto's squad. He was testing Naruto and he was not impressed, questioning Naruto's very manhood.

The team left for the Grass Country and Naruto felt Sai was a poor replacement for Sasuke. Sai felt that was a good thing, calling Sasuke a bastard traitor. Naruto was infuriated but Sakura held him back, warning Sai to watch his mouth. Yamato attempted to build some camaderie with a visit to a hot springs but Naruto still disliked Sai. Naruto was infuriated with Sai's fake smiles and weird emotionless demeanor. Sai and Naruto were then paired as Yamato tested their skills. Naruto didn't work well with Sai and demanded to know if he even knew what it meant to be a comrade. Finally stating he would never accept Sai as an ally.

The team finally made their rendevous and learned the spy was Kabuto. Kabuto revealed he was still loyal to Orochimaru who suddenly appeared. Yamato was quickly revealed not to be Sasori and the team jumped in to assist. Orochimaru wondered who between Naruto and Sasuke was stronger, and he quickly got his chance to find out. Filling with rage the Kyuubi chakra poured from Naruto. It was then revealed that Yamato was infused with Shodai Hokage's genes by Orochimaru in the past. This gave Yamato the ability to control the Bijuu. Naruto began to lose his self-awareness, as three tails now marked his Kyuubi form. Naruto's power soon destroyed the bridge and ripped into Orochimaru, tearing off his arm. Orochimaru then shed to a new body and gloated that Sasuke was still more powerful. At that point Naruto totally lost himself to the Kyuubi. His skin boiled off and his blood encased his four-tailed body.

Naruto launched an all out assault on Orochimaru, culminating in a concentrated chakra blast. Orochimaru was barely able to protect himself and quickly moved to stab Naruto with his Kusanagi blade but it failed to pierce Naruto's skin. Sakura began to fear the lengths Naruto was going to retrieve Sasuke so she ran towards him. Unfortunately in his wild state Naruto failed to recognize friend from foe and hit her with his poisonous tails. Kabuto then healed Sakura for his own reasons and Yamato used his ability to contain the Kyuubi power and put an end to Naruto's destructive spree.

     Sakura then healed Naruto's wounds, as the Kyuubi wasn't healing him as quickly as before. When she regretted not being able to help very much Yamato told her it was okay. The strength of her feelings showed how much she cared for Naruto. Sakura began to cry and Naruto awoke demanding to know if Sai had made her sad. Naruto failed to realize he had lost control and wondered what happened to the landscape. Sakura told him Orochimaru did it after he was knocked out. Yamato confided to Naruto that he was the one who had hurt Sakura. He stated he could seal the Kyuubi power as it was not his true strength anyway. Naruto wasn't sure, but Yamato stated he could stand Kyuubi's chakra because of his own. Naruto was surprised and Yamato stated if he really wanted to help his friends, he should do it on his own power. Naruto empathically affirmed and the team went in pursuit of Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sai, who had mysteriously joined them.

     The team tracked down Orochimaru's underground base. They made it inside, captured Sai and learned he planned to spy on Orochimaru for the Root leader. Sai stated it was doubtful Naruto could get Sasuke to return. Naruto explained that he hated Sasuke at first but then formed a close bond to him over time. Sai was unsure but Naruto said even if his body was destroyed he would not stop. No matter what he would take Sasuke back from Orochimaru. This surprised Sai and inspired him to help Naruto retrieve Sasuke rather than assassinate him like originally ordered. Sai and Naruto then searched the compound. Naruto got a better feel for Sai when Sai mentioned how alike Naruto was to his dead brother. Orochimaru appeared and Sai went to find Sasuke. Orochimaru told Naruto that he would not kill him, as he had some use in taking out Akatsuki members.

Sai located Sasuke but Sasuke quickly destroyed his room. Naruto and Sakura rushed to his location and saw Sasuke for the first time in three years. Naruto recalled Sasuke's words on cutting bonds at the Valley of the End and demanded to know why he didn't kill him. Sasuke stated he didn't because that path was merely to attain power. Naruto demanded to know what he meant by that and Sasuke retorted that he did not have to explain himself and that he only saved Naruto on a whim. In an instant Sasuke was chest to chest with Naruto mocking that his dream was to become Hokage and yet he failed his mission to stop him. He then said this time his whim would be to end Naruto's life and pulled his sword. A determined Naruto retorted back that he was correct. One who could not save his friend could hardly become the Hokage. Naruto jumped away and Sasuke released a Chidori current electrocuting everyone.

Naruto turned feral and inside the Kyuubi prison the beast boiled outside the bars telling him now was the time. Naruto told the beast he was staying inside this time. The Kyuubi stated Naruto had no chance unless the seal was completely released. Naruto began to raise his arm in defiance but another reached out to touch Kyuubi's nose, it was Sasuke's. The Kyuubi was surprised that one from the cursed bloodline appeared and Sasuke replied that he finally saw Naruto's hidden power. Sasuke then focused and dispersed the Kyuubi head. Kyuubi was surprised Sasuke could suppress him and warned that he would regret killing Naruto. In the real world Sasuke retreated and Naruto yelled that Orochimaru just wanted his body. Sasuke moved to attack but Orochimaru stopped him, saying they should be left alive to kill more Akatsuki members. They left in a whiff of smoke and Naruto crumbled over in agony, he had failed to retrieve Sasuke yet again. The group then returned to Konoha, believing with Sai's help all three could retrieve Sasuke together.

The new Team 7 was sent on another mission and came back to Konoha for some downtime. Naruto spoke with Kakashi about increasing his abilities. Kakashi told Naruto he had figured out a special training only Naruto could do. It would help him develop an ultimate Ninjutsu to he can call his own. The training would take advantage of Kage Bunshin's memory transfer capabilities. By creating a massive number of clones and then dispersing them, Naruto could drastically cut down the time it took to learn a new skill. A thousand clones could learn in a week what would normally take one ninja numerous years. The jutsu would be based on Naruto's elemental affinity, which he learned was Wind by using a special paper which split when he put chakra into it. Because Rasengan was pure shape manipulation, all he had to learn was nature manipulation to get the jutsu started. Kakashi then had Naruto create clones and attempt to cut a leaf. Yamato would assist by controlling the Kyuubi chakra.

     A Naruto clone was then sent to speak with Sarutobi Asuma, another Wind user. Asuma gave him tips which Naruto used to complete the first training step. Next Naruto worked on splitting a waterfall. When he became annoyed that he was being held back by only 10 clones, Yamato created a bigger waterfall for numerous clones. Naruto worked on the step for long hours and rested during the night. That night he thought of Sasuke and got up to train more. By dawn Yamato and Kakashi watched in surprise as all the Narutos managed to split the water. When Yamato was surprised what the training had done for Naruto, Kakashi explained it wasn't just the training, it was Naruto's feelings towards Sasuke as well. Naruto then rested and prepared for the final step.

     Kakashi explained to Naruto that the ability to fuse nature and shape required a special knack and that neither he nor his teacher the Fourth Hokage could do it. The Rasengan was a high level form manipulation technique, uncompleted and lacking nature, making it a half-complete jutsu. Kakashi told Naruto only he could potentially finish it, as he believed only Naruto could surpass the Fourth. Naruto blushed and focused on adding Wind to Rasengan, which proved difficult, causing some clones to turn Kyuubi. With Kakashi's help he further refined his approach and managed to rack up close to 4,800 hours of training in a days time with all the clones. The training was soon interrupted though when they received word that Asuma was killed in battle by Akatsuki.

Naruto attended Asuma's funeral and comforted Konohamaru, who was Asuma's nephew. Kakashi then had Naruto try his partially completed Rasengan against the basic version he himself could make. Naruto's easily won out and Kakashi once again saw the Fourth in Naruto. Kakashi took his leave to help Team 10 track down Akatsuki while Naruto remained behind with Yamato to finish his jutsu. Naruto managed to further refine his new jutsu and went with Team 7 to assist Team 10. They arrived to find them in battle with Akatsuki member Kakuzu and Naruto used his new Fuuton: Rasengan to counter one of Kakuzu's attacks. A determined Naruto was only half-way done with his jutsu and he asked to take on Kakuzu alone. Naruto sent clones to attack Kakuzu and gather information. With new clones he then formed Rasen Shuriken. The clones charged and were blasted away. Naruto himself came charging from Kakuzu's blindside but his attack dissipated before it could connect.

Naruto asked to try again telling Kakashi that he said only Naruto himself could surpass the Fourth Hokage and that crossing that dangerous bridge alone would show he was not just a kid anymore. Thinking of Sasuke, he formed clones and the technique again. They charged and split off around Kakuzu while Naruto charged from ahead with the attack. Kakuzu extended his tendrils into Naruto but it was a clone. From behind came the real Naruto wielding another Rasen Shuriken which he slammed into Kakuzu's back, ripping him and his tendrils apart in a gigantic sphere of destruction. Naruto was thrown to the ground and Kakuzu continued to be struck by the attack. It soon dissipated and Kakuzu fell back into the huge crater and remained motionless. Naruto felt relief and the onlookers were amazed. Naruto used the technique three times, when in training he only managed two. Kakashi recognized that Sasuke drove Naruto to get better. He then finished off the injured Kakuzu with Raikiri.

     The teams returned to Konoha and Tsunade congratulated them. She warned them though not to let down their guard. Naruto spent the next few weeks recuperating, as the use of the Rasen Shuriken had heavily damaged his hand. He was then informed that Sasuke had killed Orochimaru and left Hidden Sound. Naruto hoped Sasuke would return but his friend still had unfinished business. Recognizing that Sasuke was still set on killing his brother, Naruto and Team 7, under Yamato, and Team 8, under Kakashi, set out to track down Itachi and hopefully then locate Sasuke. While on their journey the trio of Naruto, Hinata and Yamato were stopped by Kabuto, who revealed that Naruto had inspired him to go beyond his identity of spy and underling. He explained that Naruto went beyond the "Kyuubi" identity and became his own person. He then gave the trio the Sound's information on Akatsuki. Naruto charged hoping to capture Kabuto but he quickly escaped. They then continued on with their task of tracking Itachi.

     The group continued their search and saw the explosive conclusion to Sasuke and Deidara's battle that was occurring nearby. When they rushed to the location of the battle, Sasuke was already gone. Using Kiba's tracking skills they moved on, eventually splitting up to increase their chances. Naruto formed clones, which scoured the forest and found Uchiha Itachi instead. Itachi asked Naruto why he was obsessed with Sasuke. Naruto explained how he was more a brother to Sasuke than Itachi was. Dispersing into crows, Itachi caught Naruto in a Genjutsu and demanded to know how Naruto could force Sasuke to come back? What if it meant killing him to save Konoha? Naruto answered he could do both, protect the village and save Sasuke. Itachi called that view childish, but Naruto responded that he made his choices known and he won't go back on his ninja way. Itachi then forced one of his crows into Naruto's body, granting Naruto some measure of his power, which he would hopefully never have to use.

     Naruto expressed confusion and Itachi took his leave. As Naruto rushed through the forest to continue his search, he came face to face with Sasuke once again. The man quickly pierced Naruto with Chidori, dispersing the clone. The remaining Naruto's quickly received the data update and rushed to Sasuke's location. On their way they were confronted by another delay, Tobi. As the Akatsuki member looked on from a tree limb above, Naruto smiled from below. A Rasengan wielding clone then moved to strike Tobi from the back, unfortunately it slid right through the man. He continued to easily avoid Naruto's attacks but the young man remained stoic. Working with his friends they launched more attacks on Tobi, but they failed as well. They were then shocked by the news delivered by the newly arrived Zetsu, Sasuke had killed Itachi and had passed out. As Tobi left they moved in pursuit, eventually reaching the site of the battle too late, the Uchiha brothers had already been spirited away.

     Naruto returned to Konoha and continued to ponder Itachi's actions. He was then summoned to the Hokage's office where he was given heart breaking news; the Akatsuki leader Pain had killed Jiraiya in battle. Fukasaku, the toad sage who had trained Jiraiya in Senjutsu, had come to deliver the news and to show a coded message he had left for Naruto. Naruto ignored the code and demanded to know how Tsunade could have let Jiraiya go on such a dangerous mission alone. He expressed his distaste with the meeting and left the building. Tsunade and the others let him go, and pondered if he really was the "destined" child. The pupil who the elder toad sage said would be trained by Jiraiya and bring about a great change in the ninja world.

     Naruto walked through the village and began to reflect on his time together with Jiraiya. Iruka met Naruto and tried to treat him to ramen but the young man brushed him off. Returning to his apartment he sat alone with his thoughts. Taking a walk later that night, he bought a popsicle, a reminder of his time training in Rasengan with Jiraiya. The uneaten treat began to melt and Naruto cried. Iruka joined the young man and Naruto explained how he wanted Jiraiya to see him become Hokage, but all he ever did was screw up. Iruka said that wasn't the case, Jiraiya always spoke highly of him and would continue to watch over him. Moreover, if he continued feeling down, he would no longer be the person that earned Jiraiya's praise. Iruka explained that Naruto inherited Jiraiya's will and was the man Jiraiya believed in.

     Naruto remained withdrawn but was soon visited by Shikamaru, who was working to decipher Jiraiya's message. Naruto decided to help but remained distant until Shikamaru explained how he would one day be the sensei for Asuma's child. Their generation could't stay children forever, they have to grow into excellent shinobi who could inspire their students as their former teachers once did. Moved by Shikamaru's words, he joined in the work to break the code. Using Naruto's knowledge of Jiraiya's writing style, the group discovered that the code lined up with Jiraiya's latest Icha Icha book to reveal a strange phrase, "The real one isn't with them." Fukasaku stated the phrase was too vague, but he had work for Naruto over the next few weeks if he was up for it. He would be trained in Senjutsu like Jiraiya was. Excited by the challenge, Naruto accepted. He and Fukasaku were then summoned back to Myouboku Mountain, the home of the toads.
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